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To achieve faster time to market, increase test coverage and improve the productivity of the test team, test automation continues to be the buzzword amongst QA teams. A concentrated effort and a conditioned environment become a prerequisite for automation testing. Lack of trained test automation engineers, test maintenance efforts especially in an agile product life cycle, soaring test environment costs, complex test data, and inadequate end-to-end test coverage are some of the core challenges, a test automation effort often stumbles upon. We, at QAP Software Solutions, have arrived at a balance between the test automation challenges and the ideal software test automation framework, in creating our own open source-based test automation solutions. Selenium automation testing to say, is one of the paths followed in delivering quality solutions. In doing so, our goal is to provide cost and mission-effective test solutions using custom-built automation test frameworks.


Test Automation using tools like Zephyr, Appium, Selenium, etc. has been a primary focus to enhance the efficiency of test teams. In order to fulfill the technical needs of application testing, we at QAP Software Solutions use not only market-leading commercial Test Automation tools like QTP, but also heavily rely on open source tools and utilities like Cucumber and Ruby. However, while open-source tools and utilities like Selenium are cost-effective selenium test automation lacks the maturity, completeness, and support system of established commercial tools. QAP Software Solutions herein has a dedicated team focused on continuous research and development to develop customizable frameworks on top of open source tools for easy project application. Robotic Process Automation is an area where the company has invested in, to reap the true benefits of test automation.


QAP Software SolutionsTest Automation Framework (TAF) is a proven, IP-led, tool-agnostic, platform-independent testing solution that enables automation and validation of complex business processes across multiple industries. TAF also integrates with multiple leading commercial & open source test tools.

TAF components assess, refactor, and augment your existing automation testing frameworks & test suites and help you overcome the;

Inability to choose the best suited test automation tools.

Lack of pre-built automated test suites and a team of scripting experts.

Migration challenges in modernizing legacy automation scripts.